grant overview


In a world where information sources are expanding on a daily basis and forms of media are becoming more diverse, it is difficult for organizations to keep their content current. Internet web pages have been the main source for information dissemination.  However, the bulk of information has been text-based with only basic graphics.  Video elements satisfy what today’s on-line consumers have come expect.  Quality sound, motion and interactive media speaks to today’s generation of visual adult learners.

 This project is focused on the development of multiple short, high-quality educational video media elements.  These elements can then be formatted for distribution in multiple creative applications in this and subsequent projects. 

There is also a need to provide detailed information on exactly how to accomplish disaster mitigation projects.   For example, homeowners are advised to fasten their hot water heater to the wall but are not shown how to secure bolts in concrete basement walls or how to find a stud.